Fakta & Artiklar

Fakta & Artiklar




Fakta & artiklar om fisket i Montana och Idaho


Forbes North America's Top 10 Trout-Fishing Towns


Big Sky Spots

In the West, Montana has earned the reputation as perhaps the best trout fishing spot in North America. Missoula and West Yellowstone are two of the most prominent, but really any place in the western part of the state could fit the bill.

Missoula is a laid-back college town with a serious trout-fishing addiction. Anglers can fish the bouldery Blackfoot (A River Runs Through It author Norman Maclean’s home river) and the cottonwood-lined Bitteroot, both of which empty into the Clark Fork, named after explorer, William Clark, which has 300 miles of fishable water.

West Yellowstone is in the epicenter of some of the best trout fishing in the world. It’s a quirky place, where the frontier greets thousands of RVs that cruise through Yellowstone National Park.

“It’s a honky-tonk town with everything a fly-fisherman needs,” says Tom Rosenbauer, the marketing director for Orvis Rod & Tackle. “And it’s a gateway to so much great fishing.”

In the park, anglers can hit the famous Firehole and Gibbon Rivers. Also nearby is the Gallatin (where A River Runs Through It was filmed), the trout-rich Madison and Henry’s Fork of the Snake River–one of the most beautiful and challenging trout rivers in the world.


Notera att största brunöringen som spöfångats officiellt i Montana vägde 13.1kg. Hittills!


En dags guide för två fiskare verkar ligga på 400USD.


Artikel i SvD om Glacier

Fishing for fall browns


Boken - Fifty Places to Flyfish Before You Die

Boken har fyra kapitel om fisket i området:

Last Chance


Fort Smith




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Montana Insects



Montana Hatches





Yellowstone River Hopper Fishing

Montana is famous for its great grasshopper fishing. The state is filled with broad flat valleys filled with irrigated alfalfa that provided a perfect home for the succulent insects. Trout simply can’t resist hoppers and anglers eagerly await the late summer season when the grasshoppers become mature, grow wings and begin flying. The Yellowstone river offers some of the best hopper fishing in the state. The perk of fishing big foam hoppers on the “Stone” is that you are always in the game for a trophy size trout on a dry. The best hopper fishing is often shortly after they first get their wings which is usually late July or early August depending on the year. After a few weeks of seeing different flavors of artificial presentations they slowly get a bit wiser and short strikes can become more common. On years when we receive a long Indian summer great hopper fishing can be experienced well into September.


The “Flying Ant” on the Upper Madison

If you spend enough time in the spectacular Upper Madison valley wade fishing you will begin to notice giant ant hills along the banks. In late August, usually around August 22nd or 23rd winged ants leave their homes to mate and establish new colonies. The “ant hatch” can fill the skies with large black and red two toned winged insects that trout absolutely love. This is a short lived event and only lasts a day or two each year but when you catch it just right the action can be rewarding. Fortunately, this is also hopper time so there will always be some fish looking up even if you miss the ants.


Small Stream Hopper Fishing in Late Summer

In late August and early September some of the trout on the larger and easily accessed rivers become a little wise to big foam hopper patterns you get less confident takes and more trout chewing on the rubber legs. This is the time of year when the some of the smaller fisheries really turn on. We don’t want to name names to give away some of these little gems. Some of them are access from public points like bridges and others are on private ranches that we have permission on. Terrestrial fishing on the “off the beaten” path waters around Montana can be absolutely awesome in the late summer!



August Primary Hatches

grannom caddis, pale morning dun mayfly, little green drake mayfly, terrestrials (hoppers, ants, beetles) dry fly patterns: tan elk hair X-caddis #16-14, tan sparkle pupa #16, parachute adams #16-14, green drake #14, royal wulff #16-14, royal trude #16-14, ants #16-14, hoppers #14-10 nymphs: beadhead hare’s ear #16-12, beadhead prince #16-12, pheasant tail #16-12, copper john #14-12, lightening bug #16-12, selection of wooly buggers.


Attractors/ Terrestrials | July-September

From the middle of July through the middle of September there is a mix of golden stones, hoppers, ants and beetles. When nothing else is hatching, these attractor flies can be just the thing to entice a large cutthroat off the bottom.


Hecuba Mayfly | August-September

The Hecuba or Fall Drake is primarily a Bitterroot and Blackfoot hatch that begins the middle of August and runs until the middle of September. This # 10-12 chunky mayfly is often the only fly needed for this 30 day stretch. We will often times fish this bug when the other guides are throwing hoppers. The fish get tired of big foam hoppers with hooks in them and sure seem pleased when a nice mayfly drifts over their head.


Trico | August-September

This mayfly hatches about the same time as the Hecuba. The days are getting shorter, the nights longer and water temperatures are dropping. These factors seem to trigger the swarms of trico spinners that hit the water in late morning. These tiny black bodied mayflies get the trout to the surface and into a feeding frenzy.



Rights and Responsibilities of Landowners and Recreationists


This is a summary of the ways in which Montana's 1985 stream access law affects the recreational use of the state's rivers and streams and incorporates the ways the law has been interpreted by the courts in Montana.


The law states that rivers and streams capable of recreational use may be so used by the public regardless of streambed ownership. It also states that certain activities require landowner permission. Because the law affects your rights and responsibilities as a landowner or recreationist, the information that follows may be of interest to you.


Stream Access in Montana Brochure (Stream Access in Montana Brochure 433 KB)


Montana Stream Access Law


Under the Montana Stream Access Law, the public may use rivers and streams for recreational purposes up to the ordinary high-water mark. Although the law gives recreationists the right to use rivers and streams for water-related recreation, it does not allow them to enter posted lands bordering those streams or to cross private lands to gain access to streams. Complete rules are available at any FWP office.


Montana Code Annotated Title 23 part 3


Bridge Access

House Bill 190, passed during the 2009 Legislative Session, confirmed that the public has access to surface waters by public bridge or county road right-of-way. The Department, in cooperation with the affected landowner and county, is responsible for providing public passage around or through a fence preventing such access. A typical access feature would be a stile, gate, roller, walkover, or wooden rail fence.

National Parks, Indian Reservations, and Wildlife Refuges


Certain waters on national parks, indian reservations, or wildlife refuges may have special rules. Specific information may be obtained from the headquarters of the park, reservation, or refuge involved.


Need More Information?


For further information concerning the contents of this brochure, please contact the Department's Communications & Education Division in Helena at (406) 444-2535, or one of the Department's regional offices.



Lamar Valley is the shit. (Nord-Östra Entren väg 212)





Dagliga rapporter: https://www.yellowstonereports.com/index.php

http://www.thespottingscope.co/ - verkar inte uppdateras...



Grizzlies are often viewed between Canyon and Fishing Bridge, the northern range of the park, and from Mount Washburn. Open meadows provide some of the best possible viewing sites for grizzly bears. Preferring to hunt during dusk and dawn, grizzlies are most often spotted at these times of day in the Hayden and Lamar Valleys. Occasionally, sightings have occurred around the Tower, Canyon Lake, and Fishing Bridge Areas with many documented reports of grizzly bear presence in the backcountry.

Grizzly bears are most commonly observed in Lamar Valley, Gardiners Hole, Antelope Creek meadows, Dunraven Pass, Hayden Valley, and in the wet meadows along the East Entrance Road from Fishing Bridge to the East Entrance of the park.


Black bears are often viewed near Tower Falls, the Lamar Valley, and Roosevelt Lodge but can be found in many other locations throughout the park. Black bears prefer to keep a low profile away from humans, so sightings are infrequent. Occasionally, bears are spotted in or near forests. Most reported sightings have occurred along the highways around Mammoth, Tower, the Northeast Entrance, Madison, Old Faithful, and the Canyon regions. Black bear sightings have also been documented on Yellowstone’s backcountry trails.


You can find bears along the Firehole river in Yellowstone National Park. The bears find food in and around the river. Early morning is the best time to find a bear along the river. You may also see a bear in Hayden Valley near the Firehole River.


Wolves, when sighted, most often appear in packs during dawn and dusk. The species appear to be most active and easily spotted along Soda Butte Creek and the open areas lining the Lamar River.


Although bison may appear docile as they graze along the Firehole River and in the Hayden and Lamar Valleys, these creatures are anything but gentle. As wild animals, bison are highly unpredictable, are easily agitated, can move at speeds up to thirty miles per hour, and have been known to gore or even kill individuals who approach too closely. Maintain your distance, and watch these magnificent animals from the safety of your vehicle!


Camera lenses in the 600 mm or 800 mm length are an absolute necessity.



Bozeman (27509 invånare. Som Varberg eller Karlskoga)

Restauranger & sånt

14 North (gastro pub)

Ted´s Montana Grill


Montana Ale Works


Crystal Bar (roof top)

Zebra Lounge

The Nova Cafe, frukost.

Main St Overeasy, frukost.

Nightlife : http://www.downtownbozeman.org/downtownMap.php?s=nightlife





A River Runs Through It

A true story about two boys, Norman and Paul, growing up in Montana. One is rebellious of his father, Rev. Maclean, while the other has his feet on the ground. The one love they both have is fly fishing.



Reseplaneringen med flyg och hotell i Chicago samt möjliga boenden i Montana. Vår planerade resrutt och delmål.


Till flyg, boende och resrutt

Översikt med detaljer om platser som skall fiskas av under våra två veckor i Montana och Idaho.


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The Montana Map






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